This a weekly newsletter about the greatest reality show of all-time (The Bachelor is trash). Don’t worry if you haven’t watched every single one of the previous 39 seasons (neither have I). In fact, this newsletter is more geared towards the casual fan, and to be honest, most of it is Covid-related at this point. If this is your first time here, subscribe below.
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Once Again…
I could not be more excited that it’s Wednesday, and we’ll be gifted with a new Survivor episode in a few short hours. As I wrote about last week, time really is becoming more and more difficult to measure. For one, I could have sworn that Yul was voted out 2 episodes ago… or I am just trying to forget it happened in the first place. The episode made it seem like he overplayed his hand with the fire-tokens, but I’m choosing to believe there was nothing he could do — given the other three members’ pre-show relationships.
Aside from work, I’ve started playing video games again, and like the rest of the internet, I’m playing Animal Crossing. It feels good to be able to play outside again. To be on the beach. To build DIY projects. That’s why last week, I spent way too much time building a replica of tribal council.

You’ll notice that there are only 12 torches. That’s because there were only 12 people left in the game when I started the project, and building torches is a bit too time-consuming — even under the current circumstances. I also gave my character a Survivor Buff. Which brings me to one possible solution for personal face masks during the pandemic.
Use a Buff
While running errands this weekend, my girlfriend and I wore ours as a safety measure, and they worked excellently. However, one funny thing does keep happening when we wear them in public (the first time was during a camping trip last year, and therefore served a sartorial purpose rather than a precautionary one). Twice now, we have been asked by people if we were on Survivor. Perhaps I’m overplaying it, but there’s something hilarious to me about that notion; that someone would go on the show and then walk around wearing a Buff. That would be like Jimmer Fredette walking around today, wearing a BYU jersey… just so you would ask him if he was Jimmer Fredette.
That’s enough talk about the real world, let’s get to some strategy.
Survivor Episode 7
There’s been a lot of discussion about the Old School vs. New School divide amongst the players this season. While you could chalk it up to the old-schoolers being unable to the newer, fast-paced nature of the game, I believe the root of the problem is much simpler. At the end of the day, everyone who has been voted out thus far (except for maybe Natalie), is a legend of the game, someone the others idolized watching themselves. Therefore, they’re all threats. You can’t sit next to Boston Rob or Yul at the final 3, and expect to win the 2 Million.
It appears we’re going to get the tribe merge and a return from the edge of extinction tonight. Like the NBA Playoffs (RIP), this is when the season truly begins. Natalie is my favorite for getting back into the game, and once she does so, she’ll be a force to be reckoned with. In fact, I would likely put her in the top 5 now that Yul is gone. However, I think Sophie has to be moved into the number 1 spot. She’s simply too good at puzzles and the social game. Only time will tell if she fly under the radar long enough to pull some big moves in the final days of the game.
Thank God it’s Wednesday again. If we’re lucky, we might even get a double episode.
Funniest Thing From Reddit