Survivor > Sports
This a weekly newsletter about the greatest reality show of all-time (The Bachelor is trash). Don’t worry if you haven’t watched every single one of the previous 39 seasons (neither have I). In fact, this newsletter is more geared towards the casual fan. If this is your first time here, subscribe below.
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Let Survivor Fill Your Sports Void
Sports are canceled for the foreseeable future. If you’re looking for something to fill that void, there’s nothing better than Survivor, the greatest competition known to mankind. There’s the physical game of immunity challenges, but more importantly there’s the psychological, social game. So if you’re looking to start getting into it, let me give you a brief intro into Survivor Season 40, whose 6th episode starts tonight.
We’re in the middle of Winners at War, where all the contestants are previous winners. Finally, we’ll be able to say who is the greatest of all-time. It’s like being able to settle the LeBron vs Jordan debate, by having them actually play each other. You probably haven’t watched an episode since 2004 (simpler times), so I’m going to explaing some of the rule changes introduced this season and a current TOP 5 power rankings of who I think has the best shot of winning. Im going keep it short, you’ll figure it out.
Quick Note: There are currently 3 tribes: 2 of them have 5 people each and 1 has 4 people. Based on the previews, there will be two tribal councils tonight, where two people will be voted out.
New Rules:
Fire Tokens - Everyone was given one at the beginning of the game. When voted out, you bequeath yours to someone still in the game. If you think I spelled bequeath correctly on the first try, you are sorely mistaken. They can be used to purchase advantages in the game.
Edge of Extinction - When voted off, instead of going home, players are sent to a separate island called the Edge of Extinction. There, they must wait, and occasionally perform challenges, for a chance to get back into the game.
5 - Sophie

Sophie’s been playing a bit of a low key game, but she’s got a “nerd-alliance” with Yul, an idol, and a powerful ally on her tribe in Sarah. She’s also a beast at puzzles, which are honestly more important in challenges than any physical ability.
4 - Jeremy

Jeremy’s also been playing a little bit of an underground game, but he’s a very strategic player. I think his relationship with Natalie will help him in the long game.
3 - Adam

Adam’s pissed off a lot of people so far in the game. If he can make it past tonight, I think he’ll definitely make it to the final three since no one currently sees him as a threat. He’s also a strategic enough player that I think he’ll be able to maneuver himself to the end.
2 - Sarah

Sarah has been absolutely crushing it the past couple of episodes. She’s got 2 advantages in her pocket and is in control of her tribe now with Sophie.
1 - Yul

Yul has been a fan-favorite to win since the beginning. He seems to be behind every vote without anyone else realizing it. The Ringer referred to him as a “silent-godfather” and that seems pretty accurate.
Honorable Mentions:

The man is just hilarious. Non-stop entertainment.

She was sent to Edge of Extinction first and since then has accumulated a boat-load of Fire Tokens. She’s the Warren Buffet of Extinction. I don’t see how she doesn’t get back into the game at some point.