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Adam Overplays His Hand
One of the things I hate in a normal season of Survivor is when players feel they have to make a big move within the first week. Just focus winning challenges so your team doesn’t have to go back to tribal. Literally no one remembers anything that happens before the merge.
It’s hard to say if the logic still holds in this season, but it’s hard to see why it would not. This is the reason why Adam’s massive gamble last week was a bit perplexing. It’s obviously easy to play armchair quarterback and criticize every move the players make, but imagining yourself out there is 90% of the fun in watching Survivor.
I’m not going to lie, I used to dislike Adam as a player. In the previews for this week though, he seemingly admits his hubris and goes on an “apology tour”. Just seeing him act with self-awareness, especially in comparison to the dearth he showed last week, immediately makes me like him more.
All of this is to say, I think this move will ultimately put him in the final 3. Or at least the final 4 pending some fire building. Before the season started, I felt like Adam was the type of player who could fly under the radar amongst the legends. This move has put him in the dog-house for sure. But having survived it, I think his tribe-mates will see him as even less of a threat than they did before.
Simply put, there’s no reason to vote him out now. If he can make it to the end and pull of some moves when the field has winnowed down, he might be able to pull off a surprise victory. Those final steps will be crucial so that he’s got a strong resume instead of looking like a sheep.
Random Thoughts on Week 4
Poor Nick hasn’t gotten more than 30 seconds of screen-time this season.
There’s definitely going to be a tribe swap tonight.
Edge of Extinction seriously detracts too much from the main story line. We’ve seen very little of the other tribe. (I don’t know how people remember tribe names, I have 0 ability to do so).
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